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Insights from Kustomer’s 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index

Insights from Kustomer’s 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index

Brian Lastovich 3 min

Insights from
Kustomer’s 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index

In today’s fast-paced world, customer expectations are higher than ever, and businesses are constantly looking for ways to meet them. Enter AI—a game-changer in customer service. But how much has it actually improved the customer experience? And are we really ready to let AI take the reins completely?

Kustomer’s latest 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index digs deep into these questions. We surveyed 1,200 U.S. consumers to get a clearer picture of where AI is excelling and where it still needs a human touch. Below are some of the key takeaways I discovered and how you can apply these insights to improve your customer service strategy.

Consumers are Warming Up to AI, But They Still Want Humans

It’s no secret that AI can be a huge asset for businesses. In fact, 50% of consumers believe AI has already made customer service better, and 59% think it will continue to improve in the future. But here’s the kicker—79% of consumers still believe humans will always play a critical role, especially when it comes to more complex or emotional issues.

What does this mean for your business? AI is fantastic for handling the repetitive, routine stuff—like tracking orders or answering FAQs—but when a customer is frustrated or dealing with something complicated, they still want that human connection. It’s all about striking the right balance in my opinion.

Speed and Availability = AI Superpowers

One of the top reasons consumers love AI? 24/7 availability. In fact, 69% of people said this is the biggest advantage of AI in customer service. No more waiting until business hours to get help—AI can jump in anytime, providing quick responses to customer inquiries. And with 50% of consumers prioritizing quick response times, that’s a win.

What does this mean for your business? If you’re not using AI to provide round-the-clock support, you could be missing out on opportunities to wow your customers. But remember, AI isn’t just about speed. It’s also about being there for your customers when they need you most—whether it’s 2 PM or 2 AM.

Consumers Have Concerns About AI

Even with all the benefits AI brings, not everyone is ready yet to go all-in. The report found that
58% of consumers worry about AI misinterpreting or misunderstanding their requests, while 44% have concerns about the accuracy of AI responses. And let’s be honest—nobody wants a robot making critical mistakes.

One key issue in AI that has received a lot of attention recently is hallucinations. In the context of AI, hallucinations refer to instances where the system generates information that is inaccurate, misleading, or completely fabricated. This can happen when AI struggles to interpret data correctly or fills in gaps with incorrect information. Hallucinations are particularly concerning in customer service, where incorrect responses can lead to frustration, trust issues, and damage to your brand’s reputation.

What does this mean for your business? AI is great, but it’s not perfect. To build trust with your customers, make sure your AI systems are reliable, transparent, and always backed by human agents who can step in when needed. AI should enhance your customer service, not replace the human touch.

AI Works Best with Human Agents by Its Side

You know what they say—teamwork makes the dream work. This couldn’t be truer when it comes to AI and human agents working together. While AI handles the heavy lifting for routine tasks, humans are still needed for the tricky stuff. Whether it’s resolving complaints or offering a personalized solution, humans add a layer of empathy that AI just can’t replicate.

What does this mean for your business? Don’t think of AI as a replacement for your human team. Think of it as a powerful assistant that can help your agents be more efficient, while they focus on the tasks that require that personal, human touch.

The Future of AI in Customer Service is Bright

It’s clear from the survey that consumers see a future where AI plays a bigger role in customer service. One-third of consumers aged 16-54 already believe AI can solve more than half of their customer service needs. As AI continues to improve, that number is expected to grow.

What does this mean for your business? AI isn’t a passing trend—it’s here to stay. But the real winners will be the businesses that find the right balance between automation and human interaction. By leveraging AI for efficiency and human agents for empathy, you’ll create an unbeatable customer experience.

Final Thoughts

The 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index shows us that AI has the potential to revolutionize customer service—but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consumers want the best of both worlds: the speed and efficiency of AI, paired with the empathy and understanding that only humans can provide.

So, what’s the next step for your business? It’s time to take a hard look at how you’re using AI and make sure you’re leveraging its strengths while keeping humans at the heart of your customer interactions. After all, that’s what will truly set you apart from the competition.

Want to dive deeper into the data? Read the full 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index here.

Brian Lastovich 3 min

Insights from Kustomer’s 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index

Discover insights from Kustomer’s 2024 AI Agent & Customer Service Index and learn how to balance AI’s efficiency with the human touch for exceptional service.

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